Dear Parents of Brooke:
First of all, let us be clear: we know that your child was not named Brooke. We have renamed your child Brooke for consistency purposes. As a student at Midwest State University, we believe that renaming your child is just the first step in Brooke’s path to independence.
As the parent of Brooke, we want to assure you that your child is under the best care. Our supportive team is here to make sure that Brooke’s experience is as unique as Brooke is.
In order for us to help your child become independent, we have a few suggestions for their first few months at MWSU:
- Do not contact your child. Brooke will find out about that one thing at Christmas. Let Brooke find Brooke’s own way during this time of great change and development.
- Do not call us. As much as we would love to tell you about Brooke’s escapades with the Shuffleboard team or Brooke’s absence from the last half of the semester, FERPA protects us from having to tell you any of that. We’ll send you the bill. That will be our official method of communicating with you.
Once again, thank you for Brooke. When we return Brooke to you, you may not even recognize Brooke. And we mean that in the best possible way.
Midwest State University